The Three Month Tour: The Interview {Part 2 of 3}

At the beginning of last month, my internet friend Amanda started a three month blog tour and right now we are in the second month. Feel free to check out last month’s post if you missed it, it was very inspirational. This time I asked her to do an interview with me and I had a lot of fun learning about her and her books. So lets get right into the questions.

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Which book are you most proud of?

Ooh, let me think… Ah, I am probably most proud of “Quest for Leviathan.” It was the first project that I’ve really done with another individual: Natalie Nelson, who illustrated it. The end product really is beautiful.

What character (of yours) are you the tiniest bit envious of and why?

You know, I’d have to say that I’m most envious of Noel in “Protecting the Poor.” I’m like Dumphey in the story, and all of the reasons he admires his younger brother, I admire as well. Noel has that guileless sort of innocence and genuine concern for others. Dumphey is me in wanting to take action over prayer whereas Noel is so cautious to pray about everything yet is not ashamed of the Gospel.

Recently I realized that your post would be the closest post my blog you have to it’s blogiversary. How do you feel knowing that this is my unofficial first blogiversary post?  
Oh wow! That is so cool! Happy blogiversary and sticking in there for a year. 😉 I love meeting “new” bloggers on the block and think it’s great when you can keep it going. Congrats!
What is the least common thing you are a fan of?
Hmm… the only things that come to mind are work-related (like, I’d rather practice piano than just play around, I love studying, I don’t love taking breaks…). 😉 Which is not exactly a fan-type of thing. I guess I’m not that eccentric in my fan-hood, because anything else I can think of (dark chocolate, Sue Thomas F.B.Eye, books, etc.), I know plenty of other people who are fans of them as well. So I guess I’ll stick to work. 😉
Secret Slipper Blurb


What honor would you like to have your book receive?

The greatest honor for me is actually not given by man. I know there are a lot of book honors out there, but for me, if one of my books would be the means to bring a soul to salvation, which would be the absolute highest honor I can think of—it would make it all worthwhile.

What is a detail you are particularly fond of that you don’t expect most people to notice?

I find that this varies with the story I’m writing. For example, in the book I’m working on for publication in 2020 (a Librarians of Willow Hollow novella), one tiny detail I did was do an almost direct copy/paste from a scene in the beginning to a scene in the end. I switched a few details, but the general progression of the horse leaving the town, what my main character saw on that exit, etc., are all the same. I don’t expect anyone to notice it, but it’s a tiny detail that makes me grin every time I think about it.

If I got print copies of your books would you rather I kept them forever letting my friends and family read them or I gave them to a thrift store in hope that they get found by someone who they inspire?

Hmm… another really tricky thought. I guess I’ve seen how God can use both avenues so richly, that it really doesn’t matter. He knows whose hands they need to be in—and it could very well be a friend’s hand or at the same time, be a random thrift store shopper. I guess I don’t have a real answer to that question. 😉

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About the Tour
In anticipation of the release of “Protecting the Poor” (book three in the Tales of Faith series), Amanda is guest posting or being featured on over a dozen blogs each month. Each post is unique to the blog—an inspirational post, an article on the writing craft, an excerpt from one of the Tales of Faith books… you’ll just have to visit each blog to see what comes up. 😉 Amanda will link to each blog on With a Joyful Noise, so check in every week and see what blogs have a special Tales of Faith feature!

About Amanda
Amanda Tero began her love for words at a young age—reading anything she could get her hands on and penning short stories as young as age eight. Since graduation, she has honed her writing skills by dedicated practice and study of the writing craft. She began her journey of publication with a few short stories that she had written for her sisters and continued to add to her collection with other short stories, novellas, and novels. It is her utmost desire to write that which not only pleases her Lord and Savior, but also draws the reader into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

Connect with Amanda

What do you think of my interview style? Would you want to be interviewed by me?

Author: Esther Jackson

I am a young United States citizen. I've been mostly home schooled. I have no plans to go to college or university, but I plan to never stop learning. I'm the second youngest of seven. I love to teach. I feel called to design and sew modest clothes. I adore reading and chatting about books

2 thoughts on “The Three Month Tour: The Interview {Part 2 of 3}”

  1. This was a fun interview to read. 🙂 And if I read your new book you’re working on for 2020, I’ll be sure to try to notice that copied-and-pasted part from beginning to the end. 😉

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