Resizing Pattern Drawings

The Modern Way

Here’s a free toddler dress pattern I used for deciding how big I should make the pieces. Or at least a link to the shop you can get it from. This picture shows the layout of the page I used for this project.

Here you might be able to tell that I’ve gotten this to the right size and just how zoomed in that is.

Then I moved in one of the pattern pieces I want to use and arrange it so I can see through it and it’s in the right direction.

After a bit of fiddling I’ve got my pieces to match up. Please note that one of the reasons I didn’t want to use the Chloe dress is that it had a wider neck than I wanted. So I measured the straight length of my piece.

This shows the full pattern I’m using and the size I have to zoom in to so it is the right size

Here is my hand tracing it and then I retraced it with a marker so I could see it easier.

And finally the finished pattern, sure the main dress pieces aren’t full length, but I just extended them to the right length as it is just a straight line down from there to hem level. The tissue paper I used was just a basic pencil skirt that was too big for my family, we don’t like the style so we’d never use it.

This is a wee bit easier than drafting a pattern from scratch, but it comes with no instructions so it is a challenge to put together. If you wish to make this dress yourself remember that D has part of the back neck on it.

Sewing Setup and Current Projects

Right now I’m working super hard on two sewing projects that I want to get finished before the month is out. One is for my oldest niece and the other is for myself. I also should fix a blanket, now that I’ve found the right needle, but that is for the off moments. I’m also trying to get some book reviews back written for The Lost Review Of Odd Books. And the stamps. We brought home three more boxes. Grandpa had a lot of stamps. What I’m trying to say is I don’t know what to post to this blog. I’ve a number of cold weather posts planned and after the family reunion I’ll have a dozen posts ready to go hopefully, but I don’t know what I’ll be posting for the rest of June.

I feel like the middle picture is the most interesting as it shows my cutting table/ironing board. As well as hints to my two current projects. These aren’t beautifully clean and stage pictures because I’m working right now I feel it is important to show working mess.
I’ve been sewing for a toddler, hence the sewing accessories corral being off the machine. Also see the collar pattern and the and the zipper in the lower right hand corner? That is most of what is left on that project. The finishing touches.
And to the left is the fabric for the kirtle I’m making.

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