Spoiler Alert: The S Word

I finished a book this past Tuesday and (spoiler) I thought it was great. I plan on doing a full review on Sunday. I wrote a short five star review for it on Goodreads saying I thought anyone who could read and was interested should.


Then I remembered there is a small scene where the word sex is thrown around like five times. I thought  “drat, I bet most people would not like that scene,” so I added a comment to my review.


Then I thought about it some more. I finally came to the conclusion that any child old enough to read the Bible themselves. (especially if they have had most of the Bible read to them before) is old enough to read that book, because


There are certain scenes in the Bible that need no added dramatization from Hollywood to make them R rated.


A Song, A Problem

This past spring while I was in India, I went to a youth group Praise and Worship night. At one point during the evening they started a new song, for the first thirty seconds I enjoyed it. Then I realized I heard heard all the lyrics in the song a bunch of times. The lyrics weren’t bad, they were only five words long.


Matthew 6:7 (KJV)

But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

I froze and counted the lyrics run through six more times. I crossed my arms, stood perfectly still waiting for the song to end. After about forty five seconds of waiting a girl who was very much into the song noticed me. She came over and asked

“Can I pray for you?” I gave the automatic, good Christian, not really thinking about it, “Yes”. Truth be told I had been feeling the pressure of the Holy Spirit to go and pray for the others there, but… Fun Fact we share the same name.

So she prayed for me. It was only later that I began to really think about it and wonder if I should have maybe said no.

But I couldn’t have said no, if there is one thing you don’t do in youth group it’s to say no to an offer of prayer.

It was an awkward few minutes, but they really have made me think. What would you do?

Appearances, Man V God

There are a lot of famous families in the Old Testament. In all honesty I’m very glad that most of them don’t live next to me. Jacob’s twelve sons were crazy. Abraham’s two oldest sons were okay I guess, but I don’t think I would have spent that much time with them if I could help it. And King David’s boys…

Listen if you want to not feel quite as bad about the way today’s youth are acting read about King David’s sons.

These are some of the most famous and most blessed families in the Bible, but on the surface they look like families I wouldn’t want to live near. God however didn’t look at what they were like when they were kids, or anything like that he looked at the leader of the family’s heart and decided

Don’t judge us young people by what we do, judge us by our parents and pray that we follow their example.

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